Behind the Scenes: My Current Workspace

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll notice that I’ve been making a lot of geode inspired coasters recently! Many people have asked about the process and how I made these. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the process when I first made my molds, but I am planning to make more down the road so will definitely post about it later!

For now, here’s a sneak peek into my workspace and what happens behind the scenes. Enjoy!

My workspace has a few stations – an area for pouring new coasters, an area for finishing off coatsers and a painting area (not pictured)

Coasters waiting for their finishing coat!
Painting the edges gold!
Finished Coasters

If you are interested, I have a few different sets available on etsy:


❤ Agnes


2 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes: My Current Workspace

  1. Hi I love your work. What kind of resin do you use? Is it heat resistant? I’ve bought coasters before that didn’t work with hot cups


    • Thanks so much Melanie! I use Art Resin and yes, it is heat resistant!

      From their website: “ArtResin epoxy resin works very well as a coaster protectant; the heat generated from a hot mug will not damage the resin surface. However, hotter temperatures such as that produced from a frying pan or casserole dish straight from the oven are typically too hot for the resin surface, so we do not recommend using ArtResin epoxy resin for hot plates. It is recommended for use up to 120° F.”

      So as long as you’re not planning on making/buying coasters for the purposes of using as hot plates, you should be fine! 🙂



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